Selected Articles on College Town Economic Development

Continued prosperity of college and university towns can’t be counted on. But John Gann says they have other economic functions that draw upon their existing strengths. He defines the advantages they offer. For copies of any articles ($4 each for S/H), please call or fax toll-free (800) 762-4266.

John L. Gann, Jr., The Third Lifetime Place: A New Economic Opportunity for College Towns. Glen Ellyn, IL: CarpeHoram, 2011, 74-page, 62,000-word paperbound book, $77.95 paper + 4.95 S& H; 67.95 digital).

This compact 62,000-word guide to the economic challenges to college towns in details possibilities for functions as A Place to Visit and A Place to Live. With the popularity of higher education, the college town has become for many the third important place in many lives. College towns can be marketed as places to live.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Beyond the Research Park: Diversifying Economic Development in College Towns," Economic Development Journal, Summer, 2010, p. 39.

Past economic success of college towns is in jeopardy in the 21st century, and the research park strategy has limitations. But there is potential for these places to expand into A Place to Visit and A Place to Live. Emotional equity as a Third Lifetime Place, such as a college town has with alums, has spelled success for vacation destinations.

John L. Gann, Jr., "TLP: Redefining College Towns for the 21st Century," University Business, November-December, 2011, p. 20.

A "huge wave of change” in education may hurt college town economies.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Pulling Back the Boomers," Syracuse (NY) Post-Standard, July 27, 2008, E1.

Upstate New York’s colleges brought prosperity as the Baby Boomers flocked to campuses. College towns can benefit from them again by becoming retirement venues.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Why College Towns Should Become ‘Univer-Cities’," Gainesville (FL) Sun, September 18, 2011, p. 4F.

The success of Florida as a vacation, convention, and retirement destination can be emulated by college towns. Even more than vacation spots, they can become the third place of significance in many lives and marketing gold for economic growth.

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