Selected Articles on Marketing Smarter for Communities

John Gann may be the most widely published analyst on how cities, regions, and business areas can market themselves to businesses, tourists, shoppers, or home buyers to create jobs and tax revenues. For copies of any articles ($4 each for S/H), call or fax toll-free (800) 762-4266.

John L. Gann, Jr., How to Evaluate (and Improve) Your Community's Marketing. Washington: International City/ County Management Assn., 2008. Available from ICMA $24.95--(800) 745-8780, bookstore.icmaorg.

Few public managers know how to do marketing. Hrere are over 80 annotated questions allowing managers to evaluate marketing efforts.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Fishing Without a Hook: Making Community Advertising Work," Economic Development Journal, Winter, 2006, 39.

Some think economic development advertising is ineffective. But five expert-supported "hooks" illustrated by actual ads show how it can work for communities.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Grow Your Tax Base: Seven Elements if Effective Community Marketing," Public Management, December, 2008, p. 32.

How communities handle four elements of marketing planning and three elements of execution strongly affects their success.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Strengthening the Economic Development Message,"Economic Development Commentary (Council for Urban Economic Development), Summer, 1999, p. 25.

Widespread adoption of federal and state economic development programs has created look-alike "commodity communities" that lack competitive advantage. Communities must differentiate themselves with marketing. Gann's illustrated survey of good examples from states and cities yields seven ways marketing winners use to break out of the pack.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Grow Your County by Marketing Smarter," County Focus, (South Carolina Assn. of Counties), May, 1998, p.34.

Marketing can benefit communities in five ways other than bringing in industry. There are six ways to do it better. Even a place that assumes it's nothing special can find something distinctive to sell, and places don't always have to be better to win.

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