Brenda Rotzoll, "Billboard Consultants Are a Sign of the Times," Chicago Sun-Times, October 9, 1987.

As more cities revise their sign regulations, John Gann's experience suggests that municipal officials and the sign industry need to work much closer together.

John L. Gann, Jr, "Billboards Fight Blight," Sign Builder Illustrated, January/February, 1999, p. 62.

Partnership produces billboard sites and funds to restore an Olmsted-designed park.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Exciting Opportunities to Find Common Ground," Sign Builder Illustrated, January/ February, 1999, p. 102.

An opponent of regulation practices exemplary billboard beautification voluntarily.

John L. Gann, Jr., "What Makes a Sign Work: Part 1 and Part 2," Signs of the Times, September and October, 1995, p. 72 in both.

Both signmakers and regulators need to understand how signs must be designed to be seen, to be read, and to sell.

John L. Gann, Jr., "How to Make Your Signs More Visible," Sign Builder Illustrated, January/February, 1999, p. 95.

John translates research on colors, fonts, and lighting into easy-to-use tables.

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John L. Gann, Jr., "In Praise of Portable Signs," Isthmus (Madison, WI), June 2, 2000, p. 11.

Portable signs benefit business areas, which should not be subject to suburban rules.

John L. Gann, Jr., "Newton's Law and Sign Con- trol," Signs of the Times, November, 2004, p. 100.

Win-win sign code rules were dishonored by a shift to a hard line anti-sign stance.

John L. Gann, Jr., "A Kinder and Gentler Municipal Sign Code," Cities & Villages, March-April, 2003, p. 27.

A case study suggests five techniques that can help manage the tension between aesthetics activists and the business community in developing sign controls.

John L. Gann, Jr., "What's Content Got to Do With It?" Sign Business, July, 1994.

Why sign regulations should not restrict a sign's message.

John L. Gann, Jr., "University Town Learns Business 101: Signs Work," Signs of the Times, September, 2002, p. 68.

A city takes on portable signs, gets slapped down in court.

John L. Gann, Jr., "New Guidelines for Regulating Signs," Cities & Villages, January-February, 2022, p. 26.

Five things can help cities make rules for signs without hurting local businesses.