What They Say About John L. Gann, Jr.

"Great session. Made a great deal of sense. As a downtown manager with a master's in marketing, this helps solidify my feelings I have been trying to get across to my Board for 4 years."

Sandra Craner, Executive Director, Downtown Auburn (NY) BID

"Mr. Gann was extremely interesting--a great speaker keeping my interest because of using a specific example. I have never seen a brochure dissected like he did and explained in a common 'lay term' that it was very, very easy to understand."

Theresa Binion, Director, Arthur (IL) Amish Country Visitors Center

"He confronts and contradicts conventional wisdom, providing a unique perspective....this is certainly the definitive resource...."

Michael John Dougherty, West Virginia University

"I...think of Gann Associates as a Cadillac in marketing expertise. I talked to many marketing professionals.... I consider Gann Associates' approach and methods to be of superior quality."

Dale Adams, Village President, Village of Rockton, IL

"Having over 10 years economic development marketing experience, I found your presentation to provide insight into certain aspects of economic development marketing I never considered."

Paul Lucy, President, Economic Development Association of North Dakota

"One of the best sessions I have been to in many years. Great topic, speaker, & presentation."

Gary Adams, Village Administrator, Village of Rantoul, IL

For more of what they say, please click here.